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Mintakan starseeds are celestial beings that exist in the Mintaka star system. Mintakans have a close connection with their natural environment and enjoy living a life in nature.
They can be found in the Mintaka solar system, but they also live on Earth as humans.
Mintakans do not feel at home when they are disconnected from nature or immersed in technology, so many of them choose to live off-the-grid and avoid modern conveniences like electricity.

Mintakan starseeds are amongst the variety of starseeds souls we have here on our planet. They are also one of the oldest starseeds to occupy earth when fourth-dimensional energy began to form.
It is believed that their souls have been incarnating Earth for nearly 70,000 to 80,000 years.
Mintakans come from an ancient and advanced civilization that existed long before the Atlanteans.
They also have a tendency to be clairvoyant, psychic, and empathic. They work with their intuition more than logic which is why they are well suited for being healers or energy workers in general.

They are experts at astrology, numerology, and sacred geometry as well as the study of natural herbs and remedies for physical ailments. Mintakan souls are also highly spiritual, they believe in reincarnation as well as living in the moment.

Above all the characteristics mintakans are known for their kindness and good nature since they come from a watery planet where light and love is the only known interaction. So, Mintakans are always looking for the higher good in everything they do.
You can also imagine how difficult it is to be a mintakan soul on earth, because of all the negativity and pollution here. Mintakans starseeds have a tendency to feel isolated, misunderstood, or even depressed due to being on earth for so long.

However, their teachings help them to find pleasure in life through the beauty of nature as well as meditation and self-love practices which they learned from their past lives in Mintaka.
Where Do Mintakans Come From?Mintakans starseeds are naturally born spiritual beings, in tune with the cosmos. Mintaka along with Alnitak, Alnilam is one of three stars that make up Orion’s belt surrounded by four bigger stars, Rigel, Betelgeuse, Bellatrix, and Saiph—forming a large rectangular shape.

Although Mintakan souls come from this constellation. Mintaka also has been a sacred site for ancient civilizations throughout cosmic history.

The Mintakan starseed are among those who have been here for a very long time, some of them may be thought of as ancestors by others on this Earth plane.
It’s possible they created the early civilizations of Atlantis, Lemuria, and the Mayan culture.

What did Mintakans look like on their planet?

Mintakans are humanoid beings, with a stocky build and large feet. Mintakans have two arms that end in four digits each, with hands that can be used for manipulation of tools as well as communication via sign language.
To learn more about Mintakans , and how to connect with your soul family by downloading our free app from the playstore. There are also some great ebooks in the ebook section for further reading.


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